
Scheduler related conditions are often useful for testing purposes to prevent the scheduler running without exit.

Perhaps the most useful of such conditions is scheduler_running. This condition is true if the scheduler has been running more than given in more_than argument. There is also an argument less_than to specify the maximum.

from rocketry import Rocketry
from rocketry.conds import scheduler_running

app = Rocketry(config={
    "shut_cond": scheduler_running(more_than="5 minutes")

There is also a condition scheduler_cycles that also takes more_than and less_than arguments which are both integers. This condition checks whether the scheduler has looped through the tasks for given number of time. This is useful for testing to, for example, do a short test that the scheduler launches your task. It is extensively used in Rocketry’s unit tests.

from rocketry import Rocketry
from rocketry.conds import scheduler_cycles

app = Rocketry(config={
    "shut_cond": scheduler_cycles(more_than=1)