App Settings

There are various ways to configure your application. Recommended way is to use the setup hook to benefit Rocketry’s dynamic arguments.

Here is a simple example to set some configurations:

from rocketry import Rocketry
from rocketry.args import Config

app = Rocketry()

def set_config(config=Config()):
    config.silence_task_prerun = True
    config.silence_task_logging = True
    config.silence_cond_check = True

The argument config will get app.session.config as the value. This function will run before any tasks are run. Therefore it is safe to set the log record repository or even dynamically create tasks in this function.


You can split your setup to multiple functions and use @app.setup() multiple times.

Here is a more sophisticated example where we log to an SQL database and change the configurations based on whether we are in production or test:

from redbird.repos import SQLRepo
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

from rocketry import Rocketry
from rocketry.args import TaskLogger, Config, EnvArg, Session
from rocketry.log import MinimalRecord

app = Rocketry()

def set_repo(logger=TaskLogger()):
    repo = SQLRepo(engine=create_engine("sqlite:///app.db"), table="tasks", model=MinimalRecord, id_field="created")

def set_config(config=Config(), env=EnvArg("ENV", default="dev")):
    if env == "prod":
        config.silence_task_prerun = True
        config.silence_task_logging = True
        config.silence_cond_check = True
        config.silence_task_prerun = False
        config.silence_task_logging = False
        config.silence_cond_check = False


The tasks’ caches (ie. status and last run/success/fail) are set after the hooks have run. If your setup needs to run after the caches are set and startup tasks have run, you can do it by:

def setup_app():
    # Run before startup tasks and cache is set
    # Run after startup tasks and cache is set

You can also modify tasks in the setup. For example, if you wish to have an environment to test only the scheduling (without running anything):

def do_nothing(*args, **kwargs):

def set_tasks(session=Session(), env=EnvArg("ENV", default="dev")):
    if env == "test-schedule":
        # Set all tasks to run nothing
        # to test the scheduling works
        for task in session.tasks:
            task.func = do_nothing