Integrate FastAPI ================= The simplest way to combine FastAPI app with Rocketry app is to start both as async tasks. You can modify the Rocketry's runtime session in FastAPI. There is an existing example project: `Rocketry with FastAPI (and React) `_ First, we create a simple Rocketry app (let's call this ````): .. code-block:: python # Create Rocketry app from rocketry import Rocketry app = Rocketry(execution="async") # Create some tasks @app.task('every 5 seconds') async def do_things(): ... if __name__ == "__main__": Then we create a FastAPI app and manipulate the Rocketry app in it (let's call this ````): .. code-block:: python # Create FastAPI app from fastapi import FastAPI app = FastAPI() # Import the Rocketry app from scheduler import app as app_rocketry session = app_rocketry.session @app.get("/my-route") async def get_tasks(): return session.tasks"/my-route") async def manipulate_session(): for task in session.tasks: ... if __name__ == "__main__": Then we combine these in one module (let's call this ````): .. code-block:: python import asyncio import uvicorn from api import app as app_fastapi from scheduler import app as app_rocketry class Server(uvicorn.Server): """Customized uvicorn.Server Uvicorn server overrides signals and we need to include Rocketry to the signals.""" def handle_exit(self, sig: int, frame) -> None: app_rocketry.session.shut_down() return super().handle_exit(sig, frame) async def main(): "Run scheduler and the API" server = Server(config=uvicorn.Config(app_fastapi, workers=1, loop="asyncio")) api = asyncio.create_task(server.serve()) sched = asyncio.create_task(app_rocketry.serve()) await asyncio.wait([sched, api]) if __name__ == "__main__": Note that we need to subclass the ``uvicorn.Server`` in order to make sure the scheduler is also closed when the FastAPI app closes. Otherwise the system might not respond on keyboard interrupt.