Controlling Runtime =================== There are several cases where one may want to control the runtime scheduling session: - Create maintenance tasks. - Command the scheduler from a user interface. - Command the scheduler from an external program. The interaction with the scheduling session is meant to be done via the ``session`` instance. This can be accessed using argument ``rocketry.args.Session``: .. code-block:: python from rocketry.args import Session @app.task() def do_things(session=Session()): ... Alternatively, you can access this by simply using the ``app.session``. However, for bigger applications it is advised to use the argument. Manipulating the Session ------------------------ To restart the scheduler in a task: .. code-block:: python from rocketry.args import Session @app.task() def restart(session=Session()): session.restart() To shut down the scheduler in a task: .. code-block:: python from rocketry.args import Session @app.task() def shut_down(session=Session()): session.shut_down() Manipulating Other Tasks ------------------------ To remove a task from the scheduler: .. code-block:: python from rocketry.args import Session @app.task() def do_things(): ... @app.task() def remove_task(session=Session()): session.remove_task("do_things") To create a task: .. code-block:: python from rocketry.conds import daily from rocketry.args import Session def do_things(): ... @app.task() def remove_task(session=Session()): session.create_task(func=do_things, start_cond=daily) Accessing a Task ---------------- You can also access other tasks in runtime. This is useful for inspecting attributes of another task including its status and logs. You can also set a task running using the task instance. You can use the ``Task`` argument: .. code-block:: python from rocketry.args import Task @app.task() def do_on_self(this_task=Task()): ... @app.task() def do_on_other(another_task=Task(do_on_self)): ... Or you can use the session: .. code-block:: python from rocketry.args import Session @app.task() def do_things(session=Session()): task = session["do_things"] ... Task Queue ---------- Task queue is a list of tasks that are run one after another. Rocketry also supports run specific parameters thus you can also create a parametrized task queue. Here is an example: .. code-block:: python from rocketry.args import Session import asyncio def next_task(): "Get next task from the queue" yield 'do_things', {} yield 'do_report', {'report_date': '2022-01-01'} @app.task(on_startup=True, execution="async") async def task_queue(session=Session()): queue = next_task() for task_name, params in queue: task = app.session[task_name]**params) # Wait till finish while task.is_running: await asyncio.sleep(5)